even from far away

Fatiha online is one of the modern virtual Islamic schools which provides high quality online curriculum in Islamic education and training.

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Why Fatiha?

Fatiha virtual Madrsa is unique in many ways. At fatiha, we follow a distinctive curriculum that focuses on the practical application of the ideas. We repeatedly assess the practical knowledge of our students, motivate and develop them as true believers!

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Our Mission

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What you get

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Man reciting quran

Fatiha Online Islamic School

Your time to learn Islamics Online

Fatiha online is one of the modern virtual Islamic schools which provides high quality online curriculum in Islamic education and training. As an outstanding Islamic virtual school, Fatiha focuses on the spiritual, cognitive and behavioral development of the students. We have a dedicated team of passionate educators who work hard to ensure the quality teaching and mentoring.

In Fatiha, your child will experience a friendly learning environment. The dedicated mentors, who are among the leading Islamic Scholars from different parts of the world, well trained on online education and with adequate knowledge about online learning tools will educate, train and assess your wards in order to assure a quality development.

How we do?

The teaching and mentoring in Fatiha online school is based on the Quranic code of conduct which is formed 7 key behaviors:

Sidq (Honesty)

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Tawalu’ (Humility)

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Amana (Trustworthy)

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Shukr (Gratitude)

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Swabr (patience)

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Istiqama (Steadfastness)

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Hayaa’ (Modesty)

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